2025 April Trivia and History

Name History

Latin: Aprilis. The origin of the name is unknown. It may come from the Latin word aperire (“to open”; because spring generally begins, and the buds open in this month), or - more likely - from the ancient Latin prefix apter- (“subsequent”).

Another interpretation is that April means Aphrodite's month. Aphrodite is a Greek goddess of love and beauty. Her Roman equivalent is Venus.

The Saxons called the month Eostur-monath after the goddess Eostur. It is the Goddess Eostur from who we derive the name Easter.

Aprilis had 30 days, until Numa Pompilius came into rule (ca. 700 B.C.), and shortened the month by one day (to 29 days) to make it an odd number (considered to be lucky), until Julius Caesar came into power (46 B.C.), and made it 30 days again.

April is:

Special 2025 April weeks:

Special April Periods

Special 2025 April Days:

April special historical dates:

Quotes relating to April

Literature relating to April

• “Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November, etc.” • Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria (Ch. 13)

Lyrics relating to April

April Puzzle

The World Book Day was chosen to be on the 23rd because Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and William Shakespeare both died on April 23rd, 1616, but Shakespeare could have attended Miguel de Cervantes funeral in Spain, then returned home to England, and still have time to write an entire book before passing away. How is that possible?

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