List of PowWows does not exist for year 2025 expected to be in ./common/php/


First City Folks

   Jesse Lowe, promoter
   Alf.  D. Jones, surveyor
   J. E. Johnson, merchant
     blacksmith, and editor
   Robert B. Whitted, farmer
   Mr. Seeley, carpenter
   William Clancey, grocer
   Jeffrey brothers, millers
   URL is empty for Harrison Johnson, expressman
   J. C. Reeves, expressman
   James Hickey, expressman
   Ben Leonard, fiddler
   Mr. Gaylord, carpenter
   Mr. Dodd, grocer
   C. H. Downs, speculator
   A. R. Gilmore, office seeker
   William P. Snowden,
   O. B. Sheldon, blacksmith
   J. W. Paddock, carpenter
   William Gray, carpenter
   John Withnell, bricklayer
   A. J. Poppleton, attorney
   George L. Miller, physician
   Lorin Miller, surveyor
   J. G. McGeath, merchant
   A. B. Moore, speculator
   O. D. Richardson, attorney
   URL is empty for and some few others


See the Louisiana Territory Purchase area.
Louisiana Territory
Enlarge Image


 Nebraska Historical Forts

   Fort Atkinson
   Fort Cody
   Fort Hartsuff
   Fort Kearny
   Fort Mitchell
   Fort Niobrara
   Fort Omaha
   Fort Robinson
   Fort Sidney


Omaha Timeline

• 1854 (August): Nebraska opened for settlement, first house built.

• 1855 (July): approximately 40 homes, 150-200 inhabitants.

• 1856: population is approximately 1,000 -1,800 inhabitants.

• 1859 (June): population is approximately 4,000 inhabitants.


2025 Events

We display event graphics and links on the main pages as early as a month and a half before the event and stops showing the link the day after the end of the event. We automatically are prepared for the next year's event, usually, before the event is. 

Since the main page event links are not available at all times of the year, to see events regardless of the time of year, this page shows event links based on the month of occurrence.

Some events may not be shown because their website URL changes or is not known for the next event, or they have not sent us updated information.

Many event websites have not learned to use the web for their event all year long. They often do not put up new information until a short time before the event. Unlike attractions that draw a crowd all year long, event websites are usually out-of-date the first day following the event and sometimes the website is not even available during the rest of the year. For this reason, we cannot guarantee that these links will work. We do add notes as we learn of missing sites. Best of luck to you.


The most obvious thing about the event details is that most have a box around the information.* The next thing is the background color of the details. The background will be either black or brown. The brown background events have already happened. The black background events are going on currently or are in the future.

The visible data includes the date of the event or estimated date, based on a previous year's dates. "Confirmed" will be displayed when a date has been confirmed from the event planners or from data gathered at their website. Also, confirmed date events will have a background that has a blue cast to it.

When you hover the mouse pointer over the event text in the upper area, you will see additional information, such as admission prices, specific times for each day of a multi-day event, and a calendar showing the dates of the event highlighted. Each event may display different bits of information; it depends on what is provided.

See event details explained for explanations of the line colors around events.

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CHI Health Center Calendar for 2025-03