You aren't getting the exposure you deserve!
We want to display your banner or graphic!
Graphic ads along the sides are reserved for sites involved in arts, theater, entertainment, radio, recreation, socializing, tourist oriented (not regular business sites). Banner ads at the bottom of the page are sponsors and can be from regular businesses as well provided they meet our criteria.
To see choices for each, choose one of the links. |
Graphic ads (along the side) |
Banner ads (at the bottom) |
The goal of the website is to have an Omaha bragging page that would appeal to tourists or someone not familiar with what Omaha has to offer and concentrating in the area of arts, entertainment, socializing, recreation, and a bit of history, without clouding the issue with all the other business oriented websites. To do this, a conscious decision was made to display lots of colorful graphic ads that would inspire visitors to click on them and visit the site.
Webpages fit two different models. Some advertise a business or service. Visitors to the website arrange for services and the owning company justifies the website as a form of advertising. The other form of website is a portal that channels people away from the website to other desired locations. The only way a portal can support itself is to act as a paid referral service or from other advertising and sponsors.
The pages are a portal service unlike any other servicing the Omaha area. The graphic ads are all displayed in close proximity so the viewer does not have to go through a large directory breakdown. As a result, the pages offer a simple way to get people to visit the websites of our greatest assets and at the same time provide some information about Omaha.
The pages have found phenomenal success and exposure even before being released. Word leaked out as links to companies were added and they became aware of the pages. Eventually, so many people were visiting the pages that the transfer allotment allowed by the hosting company was being exceeded. This meant additional costs were being charged just to have the pages available. In order for the pages to offer some Omaha bragging and links to the city's cultural websites, there needs to be sponsors.
You may have a website but not have a logo or graphic that can be used as a graphic link. Most of the websites we feature were in that same situation. Sometimes a logo does not display very well when shrunk down to fit within the 120 to 150 pixel width, especially if it is made with thin lines or small parts. We can help. All of the graphics along the sides were created just for these pages. Move the mouse pointer over each one for a short description of how it was created.
If you don't have a graphic ad, let us take a look at your website and see how we can help.
- Submit ad for approval (starts your e-mail application)
- Graphic ads (along the side)
- Banner ads (at the bottom)
- Criteria
- Link to information (You add only 1 line)