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The state flag.

State Facts
Territory: 1861
State: 38th
Admit: 1876
Pop: 5,607,154*


NE Neighbors

•    Nebraska
•    Iowa
•    Missouri
•    Kansas
••    Wyoming
•    South Dakota

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

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Tip: Return to your last locationTip: Return to your last location


Colorado is Nebraska's neighbor to the southwest.  It is a favorite getaway for skiing during the winter months, and outdoor activities such as hiking during the summer months, popular with people that love the smell of fresh organic oxygen.

Colorado neighbors...

Denver  (Pop: 491,396) Back to the top of this page.

Denver is without a doubt the most popular destination in Colorado.  From the busy city to the mountains all around, Denver has it all.  Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S.

The Denver Art Museum (100 W. 14th Avenue Parkway (Google Maps and Satellite maps logo)) should not be missed while in Denver.  303-640-4433

Boulder  (Pop: 76,685)  Back to the top of this page.

The second most popular destination is Boulder.  The Air Force Academy was established in Boulder in 1955 (August 11).  The beautiful mountains surrounding Boulder are breathtaking all year round.  Boulder is certainly an outdoor lover's paradise.

Montrose (Pop: 20,291)  Back to the top of this page.

Montrose is located southwest of Denver in western Colorado at a latitude between Colorado Springs and Pueblo.  Montrose is named after the Marquis of Montrose, a character in Sir Walter Scott's novel "A Legend of Montrose" by Oliver D. "Pappy" Loutzenhizer and Joseph Selig.  To the south of Montrose is the beautiful San Juan Mountains. Montrose has several great places to eat, to sleep and rest, so you can get up and explore more around the area.

City of Montrose

The Museum of the Mountain West (68169 Miami Rd (Google Maps and Satellite maps logo)) should not be missed while in Montrose.  The museum is open for most holidays with the exception of Independence Day (July 4th), Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day. The opening hours can be either winter hours(November 1-March 31) or summer hours (April 1-October 31). Summer hours are Monday-Saturday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Winter hours are Tuesday-Saturday 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Check their website for up-to-date information or call to verify at 970-240-3400

Pueblo (Pop: 101,106)  Back to the top of this page.

Pueblo is located in central Colorado.  Pueblo is named after the Pueblo natives that inhabited the area.  In addition to the impressive scenery, Pueblo has many historic tourist sites to visit.

Strasburg (Pop: 3,301)  Back to the top of this page.

Strasburg is located a short distance east of Denver in central Colorado (about 30 minutes).  Strasburg is named after the John Strasburg, a railroad official that settled in the area.  Of course there is plenty of impressive scenery. Strasburg and the area has some historic tourist sites to visit.

The Comanche Crossing Museum (56060 E. Colfax Avenue (Google Maps and Satellite maps logo)) should not be missed while in Strasburg.  They are open in the afternoon from 1-4. Call to verify at 303-622-4322


Find out even more? Back to the top of this page.

For more information on Colorado, check out the Colorado Official State website.

Misc. Links

Skiing Skiing Information at
Skiing Durango Mountain Resort
Colorado Lottery Colorado Lottery