"Belvedere Point Lookout" This is a handicap symbol


Pronunciation: (bel'vi-dEr", bel"vi-dEr'; for 3 also It. bel"ve-de're), [key]
1. a building, or architectural feature of a building, designed and situated to look out upon a pleasing scene.
2. a cigar, shorter and with thinner ends than a corona.
3. (cap.) a palace in Vatican City, Rome, used as an art gallery.

Please note that Belvedere Point Lookout and Belvedere Point are two different things. Belvedere Point Lookout is near the highest point in Florence, which has been called Belvedere Point, and would imply that it is on Belvedere Boulevard.  Topo maps confirm that the highest point is actually 1/4 block northwest of Nebraska Circle (between the 6200 block and the 6300 block), however, the lookout is slightly east of there in a different location. The Lookout Point itself (the pull-over spot), is on Belvedere Boulevard at approximately 3275 Belvedere Boulevard ((Google Maps and Satellite maps logo)). The different online map services give a slightly different view with their satellite image version: (Google Maps and Satellite maps logo)

Directions to both

Highest Peak in Florence

Highest Peak in Florence

Historic Significance

It has been questioned whether Lewis and Clark ever stopped in the Florence area.  If they did and spent any time in the area, they surely would have wanted to get a great view of the surrounding area, and no better place than the highest point.  That point is almost exactly where Belvedere Point Lookout is located.  Today, there is a small park, complete with a bench.  You can get a great view of the river and the bluffs.

Need Better Images

Currently, we do not have a photograph of the lookout area that we have permission to use.  Here are two aerial views; one has a Topographic overlay(bottom view).  The grid lines of the topo map look like crayon width lines so it is difficult to see that this is the highest point in Florence.  The quality is not great but the only thing that the government offers for free.  The top image has a red dot where I originally thought Belvedere Point Lookout was supposed to be located.  There was a time when the Terraserver website could be used to view these maps and move around. They no longer provide that type of service (you have to be a member now). It is not important now since Google maps provides a much better view of the area.*

Highest Peak in Florence
Suspicious Peak

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