See pictures from the Birthday Bash!
Saturday, August 28: Territorial Birthday Bash & Scavenger Hunt for History:
A Florence Futures Fund raiser for Historic Florence Community Improvements.
Follow "Territorial Tales" to a variety of historical sites where character re-enactors will provide musings on the history of the territory. Participate in a scavenger hunt through the Florence neighborhood.
Time: 1-5 P.M.
Admission: $10 per ticket, or $25 for Family Tickets
The Program/Scavenger Hunt Sheet is your ticket (available at each site).
You can purchase tickets from area Kiwanis Club of Florence Members. You can also purchase tickets on the Day of the Event, provided there are any available. Day of Event Ticket purchase times coincide with the start time at each location, however, the duration of ticket sales last for only the first hour so be early to not miss out!
Contact 402-551-1233 if you have any questions that cannot be answered here. You may also send e-mail if you wish.
Birthday Bash Event Schedule
Akin to Street Theatre, the audience travels to ...
1 P.M. |
Florence Mill - 30th Street at I-680 (9102 N. 30th Street (( ))
"George Simons, Territorial Artist" (on the hay bales)
Presented by R H Fanders
1:45 P.M. |
Depot Museum - 9090 N. 30th St. (behind Fire Department Station). Located (nearly) at 2949 Dick Collins Road ( )
"A.J. Hanscom," Territorial Legislator, "Legislating With Fisticuffs"
Presented by Lowen Kruse
2 - 4 P.M. |
1856 Wildcat Bank Museum - 8502 N. 30th (30th & Willit)
(( ))
A couple of Wildcats - "Mr. and Mrs. Parker,"
Hosted by Tim and Deb Duggan
Music: Turn of the Century Hand Organ Music by Elder Thurber
Concessions: Boy Scouts Troop 20
2:30 P.M. |
Keirle House (on the porch) - 3017 Mormon Street (( ))
Eliza Mitchell's Tale ("Mrs. Mitchell,")
Presented by Laura Marr
3:15 P.M. |
Mormon Trail Visitor's Center (Lower level) - 3215 State Street. (( ))
"A Handcart Pioneer's Story,"
Presented by Debbie Bailey
Music: Songs of the Mormon Trail
4:00 P.M. |
Notre Dame Convent - 3501 State Street. (( ))
Pioneer Czech Music and Kolache Bake Sale
4:30 P.M. |
Florence Library - 2920 Bondesson St. (( ))
Reader's Theater: Author, David Bristow, reading from his book, "Omaha: A Dirty, Wicked Town,"
Followed by "Territorial Birthday Cake"
Music: Omaha Harmonica Club and Ivan Griswold
Additional activities.
1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. |
Scavenger Hunt for History.
Historic sites throughout Florence. For those that do not want to walk the historic mile, there will be a tram available to ride.*
1:30 P.M. |
Children's Activities, Florence Library - pioneer stories, crafts, make butter and eat homemade bread. (( ))
2:15 - 4:15 P.M. |
PBS / Ken Burns movie: "Lewis and Clark - The Journey of Discovery" (at the Florence Library)(( ))
Yummy Florence: Zestos, Harold's Koffe House, O.J.s, Notre Dame's Kolache Bake Sale, Square Scouts, & Territorial Birthday Cake at the Florence Library.