
August Murder Mystery "Next of Kin"

Friday, Aug. 25th – Saturday, 26th, 2006:

Florentine Players - 2006 August Murder Mystery - "Next of Kin".  Small Calendar

A Hawaiian themed Luau
Don't forget to dress for the Costume Contest! (Hint: The Audience is part of the melodrama).
Prizes will be Awarded to the Best of the Best Costume!

Catering by - Justin Thyme of Ralston
Dinner is: Salad with Italian Dressing topped with Mandarin Oranges, Ham and Rice with a California Medley Vegetables, A Roll and Butter
~ Pineapple Upside Down Cake for Dessert ~

Ticket Prices: $15 (Reservations required).
Information: 402-502-2444
Time: Doors open at 6:00 P.M.; show starts at 6:30 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ((Google Maps and Satellite maps logo))

Ah, Hawaii… land of palm trees, sunny beaches… and MURDER!?!

Big Daddy Sugarbaker has moved to Hawaii after the disastrous failure of his second marriage and a near-fatal heart attack, and is now calling his family together to announce his will. Suddenly - a death! Whodunnit? Howdunnit? And whydunnit? Cast your vote for your favorite dysfunctional character:

Hamilton "Big Daddy" Sugarbaker - family patriarch; made his fortune from products like the Southern Belle Containment Girdle and the Southern Bell Containment Brassiere for Abundant Women.

Bobbie Jo Butler - Big Daddy's nurse and confidante; does she have ulterior motives for making sure Big Daddy stays dependent on her?

Philly Sugarbaker - Big Daddy's drunkard of a sister; disinherited by their parents for her wayward behavior as a teen, she depends on Big Daddy for all her money… but the money would be hers if he were out of the picture.

Rhett Sugarbaker - Big Daddy's older son; smarmy and unethical, he'll do anything, including embezzling from the family business, to make money to cover his huge gambling debts and provide for…

Scarlett Sugarbaker - Rhett's wife; definitely from the wrong side of the tracks, a trampy, trashy social climber who is desperate for money.

Ashley Sugarbaker - Big Daddy's younger son; a struggling (and VERY bad) poet who believes he's a true "artiste", married for just two months to…

Melanie Sugarbaker - Ashley's wife; eccentric "interpretive dancer" who is devoted to Ashley, she insists on living well above their means.

Savannah Sugarbaker - Big Daddy's second wife… or is it ex-wife? Neurotic and irrational former waitress, she insists they're NOT divorced and that she's "just too much woman" for the ailing Big Daddy.

Ms. Beulah Busty, Esq. - Big Daddy's lawyer; aggressive know-it-all who spouts Latin.

Charlotte Russe - true southern belle; runway model for the Southern Belle Containment Brassiere for Abundant Women.


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