2008 Events
Past and Current Events in Historic Florence:
- January 2008
- None
- February 2008
- Friday, Feb. 8th – Saturday, 9th, 2008 (Friday-Saturday):
- Florentine Players Meatball Series,
"A Night at the Improv"
Written by: Shannelle Kowal and JD Stroebel
Directed by: Derek Kowal
Ticket Prices: $15.
For Reservations Call: 402-502-2444.
Dinner: 6:30 P.M. - Show: 6:30 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
Dinner is: Italian Dressing on a Salad, Spaghetti with Meatsauce & Sour Cream Mint Chocolate Cake for Dessert (Meatless Spaghetti available on Friday for you Lenten observers).
May the Luck of the Irish be with You!
- Florentine Players Meatball Series,
- Sunday, Feb. 24th – Monday, 25th, 2008:
- Florentine Players audition for May Melodrama,
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Information: 402-880-9402
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- Florentine Players audition for May Melodrama,
- Friday, Feb. 8th – Saturday, 9th, 2008 (Friday-Saturday):
- March 2008
- Saturday, Mar. 8th, 2008:
- Boy Scout Railroad Fest.
Earn your Boy Scout Railroad Merit Badge in one day.
Sponsored by Kiwanis of Florence First two hours are at the Florence Depot, 9126 North 30th Street (()).
At 2 P.M. the event moves to the Mormon Trail Center 3215 State Street, ()
From: 12 P.M. to 4 P.M.
- Boy Scout Railroad Fest.
- Saturday, Mar. 15th – Sunday, 16th, 2008:
- Florentine Players March Madness,
"Bordello of the Damned’" - ~ A murder mystery whose suspects include a “madam”, her “ladies of the night”, the stagecoach driver, former River Dance addict, a host of Irish characters…and YOU! ~
As always we encourage people to come dressed as your favorite “Irish Personality”
Directed by: Carol Hodges
Ticket Prices: $15 with meal, $10 show without meal;
Dinner is catered by the Florentine Players
Homemade Soup Dinner
May the Luck of the Irish be with You!
Doors open at 6:00 P.M.
Dinner begins at 6:30 P.M.
Show begins at 7:00 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
Information 402-502-2444
- Florentine Players March Madness,
- Sunday, Mar. 16th, 2008 (Palm Sunday):
- St. Philip Neri Church Annual Roast Beef Dinner
- Location: St Philip Neri Blessed Sacrament Parish at 8200 N 30th St (In Omaha's Historic Florence Area)
- Event Start Time: 11 A.M. CDT
- Event End Time: 6 P.M. CDT
- Event Cost: Adult $7.50; Kids (6-12) $4.00; Under 5 Free
- Contact Phone: Rim Kiuntke / 402-571-8600
Invites you to their Annual Roast Beef Dinner on Palm Sunday, April 1st from 11:30 - 6 P.M., downstairs in the Parish Center.
Featuring tender sliced roast beef with all the fixings, and delicious homemade salads & desserts. Takeouts available too!
Elevator also available for handicap access.
Located at St Philip Neri Blessed Sacrament Parish, 8200 N 30th St (())
- Saturday, Mar. 8th, 2008:
- April 2008 • Back
- None
- May 2008 • Back
- Saturday, May 3rd, 2008:
- The Fabulous ROGUES,
Ticket Prices: Couples: $5, Individuals: $3.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
Brought to you by the Florence Historical Foundation
Information: 402-453-4280
- The Fabulous ROGUES,
- Thursday, May 1st – Saturday, 31st, 2008:
- Florence Mill's ArtLoft:,
Time: 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Tuesday-Sunday.
Located at Florence Mill, 9102 North 30th Street (())
Open 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday, May 10th, 2008 only.
Reception for the Artist, Saturday, May 17th, 2008, 2008 from 1:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Information: 402-551-1233
- Florence Mill's ArtLoft:,
- Friday, May 9th – Saturday, 10th, 2008 (and 16-18 (Friday-Sunday)):
- Florentine Players Melodrama,
"Where Have All The Cowboys Gone’" or "Florence, It's Raining Men’"
Written by: Shannelle Kowal and JD Stroebel
Directed by: Derek Kowal
Ticket Prices: $10, Seniors & Groups of 8 or more: $8, available by mail, or in person after April 18th at Florence (Hy-Vee) Drug Town Pharmacy (()).
Curtain at 7:30 P.M. Fri-Sat & 2:00 P.M. Sunday Matinee
Doors open 1 hour before curtain.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
Information: 402-880-9402
Auditions for this show: Sunday, Feb. 17th – Monday, 18th, 2008 - 7:00 P.M.
- Florentine Players Melodrama,
- Saturday, May 10th – Sunday, 11th, 2008 Second weekend of May, 2008:
- Florence Days - Details
- Music in the park - Shadow Ridge (at 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.) (Mormon Park). ((
- Vintage Car Show following the parade at Florence Home, 7915 N. 30th Street ((
- Open house, free blood pressure check, free computer sessions, and a bake sale from 9 A.M. to Noon, at the Florence Home, 7915 N. 30th Street ((
- Music in the park - Shadow Ridge (at 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.) (Mormon Park). ((
- Saturday, May 10th, 2008 10th, 2008 (Saturday):
- Florence Days Parade, 1-3 P.M. from Miller Park to McKinley Street.
- There are several new entries in this very special year's parade. See Details | See pictures from the 2007 parade.
- There are several new entries in this very special year's parade. See Details | See pictures from the 2007 parade.
- Florence Days Parade, 1-3 P.M. from Miller Park to McKinley Street.
- Florence Days - Details
- Saturday, May 17th, 2008:
- Florence Mill Open House & sneak preview of Summer Art Show
9102 North 30th Street (()).
- Florence Mill Open House & sneak preview of Summer Art Show
- Saturday, May 3rd, 2008:
- June 2008 • Back
- Monday, Jun. 23rd, 2008:
- North Omaha Commercial Club Annual Picnic. (See details)
Location: at North Omaha Airport (North 72nd and Highway 36) (()).
Time: 5:30 P.M.
- North Omaha Commercial Club Annual Picnic. (See details)
- Monday, Jun. 23rd, 2008:
- July 2008 • Back
- Friday, Jul. 18th, 2008:
- Florentine Players - 2008 July "Florence Follies" Show. - Salute to Reality TV
Florenteenies will be involved in this show too.
Information: 402-880-9402
Time: Doors open at 6 P.M. to 7 P.M. CDT
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- Florentine Players - 2008 July "Florence Follies" Show. - Salute to Reality TV
- Friday, Jul. 18th, 2008:
- August 2008 • Back
- Friday, Aug. 1st – Sunday, 31st, 2008 & Monday, Sep. 1st – Tuesday, 30th, 2008:
- Sariah Ha, 2008 Recipient of the Connor Meigs Award *
- On display through October 5, 2008 at the Florence Mill ArtLoft is "Configurations": Paintings by Sariah Ha, from Diamond Bar California. Sariah is a recent graduate of California State University at Fullerton. This is her first solo exhibit. She was selected from a pool of national applications as the 2008 recipient of the Connor Meigs Award, given in memory of my late son. The opening reception for the artist was Sunday, August 3. Sariah's work is figurative and loosely drawn in the tradition of Egon Schiele, but with an Asian flair.
Details (1 page)
- August 3 Opening Reception, 1:30-4:30 P.M.
- Friday, Aug. 22nd – Saturday, 23rd, 2008:
- Florentine Players - 2008 August Murder Mystery. "Murder at the Prom"
Oriental Buffet for the meal
Guests are encouraged to dress for the Prom!
Catering by: No Frills - 30th and Weber
Ticket Prices: $15 (Reservations required).
Preview night on Thursday, August 11th. Show is only $10.
Information: Call Our own “Karaoke Queen” Janet Wood at 402-502-2444
Time: Doors open at 6:00 P.M.; show starts at 6:30 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- Florentine Players - 2008 August Murder Mystery. "Murder at the Prom"
- Friday, Aug. 1st – Sunday, 31st, 2008 & Monday, Sep. 1st – Tuesday, 30th, 2008:
- September 2008 • Back
- Sunday, Sep. 7th, 2008:
- Antiques Auction to benefit Florence Futures.
Information: A fundraiser to implement the Historic Florence masterplan. Doug & Connie Rose are the committee in charge of the auction/fundraiser. Folks can bring their antiques* to the old Hy-Vee Drug Town at 30th & State starting at 8 A.M.. The auction starts at 1 P.M.
People selling items will receive 80% of the sale price. Florence Futures will receive 20%, so that amount is a write-off donation to the nonprofit. The auctioneer, Larry, is donating his services and Dennis Bogard is donating use of his building for this event.
*(furniture, linens, ceramics, dishes, dolls, cars...cars have to be 30 years old, everything else 50 years old to qualify as antique).
Time: 9-5 P.M.
Located at Drug Town: 8401 N 30th (30th & State Street) (())
- Antiques Auction to benefit Florence Futures.
- Saturday, Sep. 27th, 2008:
- Florentine Players "Taste of Florence" and Garage Sale.
Accepting donations after July 1
Information: 402-880-9402
Time: 9-5 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- Florentine Players "Taste of Florence" and Garage Sale.
- Sunday, Sep. 7th, 2008:
- October 2008 • Back
- Sunday, Oct. 5th – Saturday, 25th, 2008:
- Friday, Oct. 17th – Saturday, 18th, 2008:
- Florentine Players - 2008 October Murder Mystery (Florence Boulevard).
Dress for the occasion! (Hint: The Audience is part of the melodrama).
Ticket Prices: $15 (Reservations required).
Information: 402-501-2444
Time: Doors open at 6:00 P.M.; show starts at 6:30 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
The Florentine Players present “Florence Boulevard”, an original murder mystery by Heidi Lowe. Aging, tyrannical diva Norma Despot is making a comeback after a long absence from the stage - and is blackmailing her cast and crew in the process. Suddenly, someone dies - it's murder! Who could have done it? Could it be the aging diva who knows everyone's secrets; her ex-husband/lawyer; her second husband (a mystery playwright); her loyal, downtrodden assistant; the very, very bad opera singer; the flamboyant director; the trashy party-girl actress; or the Hollywood glamour boy?
- Florentine Players - 2008 October Murder Mystery (Florence Boulevard).
- November 2008 • Back
- Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 2008:
- The Fabulous ROGUES,
Ticket Prices: Couples: $5, Individuals: $3.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
Brought to you by the Florence Historical Foundation
Information: 402-453-4280
Details (1 page)
- The Fabulous ROGUES,
- Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 2008:
- December 2008 • Back
- Monday, Dec. 1st – Wednesday, 24th, 2008:
- Mormon Trail Center Gingerbread House Display
3215 State Street, ()
Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 402-453-9372.
Gingerbread House Display is open to the public. See Mormon Trail Center page for more details.
- Mormon Trail Center Gingerbread House Display
- Sunday, Dec. 7th, 2008:
- Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony in Florence
Location: Mormon Park, 30th and State Street (())
- Lighting takes place on Sunday at 5:30 P.M.
- Coffee and Cocoa will be served.
- No reservation is required.
- The Bank of Florence will have open hours from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. CST
- Come get your picture taken with Santa. Then join us over at the park.
- Come get your picture taken with Santa. Then join us over at the park.
- Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony in Florence
- Saturday, Dec. 20th, 2008:
- Caroling Party (Details)
Starts at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
From 5:30 P.M. to 11 P.M. 402-880-9402.
Bring drink, appetizer, and soup to share.
We visit shut-ins to sing. See Details for full itinerary
- Caroling Party (Details)
- Monday, Dec. 1st – Wednesday, 24th, 2008:
We rest and prepare for another year from January to early May, although there will be Florentine Players performances starting in January or February, and the Douglas County Historical Society has some events near Florence that are listed as well. Check our Events page for details and final dates as we learn about them.