"Parade 2005" 
This is the , a country dance organization. This float goes by too fast; just when I get the first step down, they are leaving the area.
Starting at the left of the float With her back to us and facing off the back of the float Connie Tentinger; • the couple facing out - Kathy & Dave Thompson - Dave is in the cowboy hat; • Kellie Rozmiarek is looking out from between them; • the 2 children facing the other direction - Jeannie & Ashley; • Next with the skirt is Debi Rasmussen; • Next with jeans is Kathy Paradies; • next is Donna Hronek; • the blonde whose face is behind the pole is Lynne Kendall; • the blonde next to her is our dance director, Cyndy Sacks; • on the ground is Rob Tiedgen & Jennifer Keegan. • Can you identify the Mystery hat wearer?