2005 Events
Past and Current Events in Historic Florence:
- January 2005
- None
- February 2005
- None
- March 2005
- None
- April 2005 • Back
- None
- May 2005 • Back
- May 4-5th, 2005: Florentine Players Meatball Series,
The Mafia Murders
Ticket Prices: $10. Dinner: 6:30 P.M. - Show: 7:00 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- Florence Days - Third weekend of May (20-22nd), 2005 Details
- May 21: Florence Days Parade, 1-3 P.M. from Miller Park to McKinley Street.
- Children's carnival in Mormon Park ((
- Music in the park - Shadow Ridge (at 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.) (Mormon Park). ((
- Beer garden on the Keirle House lawn - Noon to 10 P.M., 3017 Mormon Street (
- Vintage Car Show following the parade at Florence Home, 7915 N. 30th Street ((
- Open house, free blood pressure check, free computer sessions, and a bake sale from 9 A.M. to Noon, at the Florence Home, 7915 N. 30th Street ((
- May 13-15th (Thursday-Saturday), and 21-23 (Friday-Sunday): Florentine Players Melodrama,
"Rock Bottom in Florence" or "The Days of Swine and Noses"
Directed by: Fred Athay
Ticket Prices: $10, Seniors & Groups of 8 or more: $8, available by mail, or in person after April 19th at Bakers: 402-451-7070, 7312 N 30th, St. (()), NoFrills: 402-408-1040, 7402 N 30th, St. ((
)), and Florence Drug Town: 402-451-8843, 8401 N 30th, St. ((
Curtain at 7:30 P.M. Thurs-Sat & 2:00 P.M. Sunday Matinee
Doors open 1 hour before curtain.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
Auditions for this show: February 12 & 13 - 7:00 P.M. - May 21st (Saturday): Florence Days Parade, 1-3 P.M. from Miller Park to McKinley Street.
There are several new entries in this very special year's parade. See Details | See pictures from the 2005 parade. - May 21-22nd (Saturday-Sunday): Florence Mill Open House & sneak preview of upcoming Art Show Florence Mill Open House & sneak preview of upcoming Art Show
9102 North 30th Street (()).
Open 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. on May 15th only.
- May 4-5th, 2005: Florentine Players Meatball Series,
- June 2005 • Back
- June 1st - August 31st: - Connor Meigs Memorial Gallery Florence Mill
"Art by Connor Meigs" (and the Meigs family)
Location: Florence Mill, 9102 North 30th Street (()).
- June 9th (Thursday): - 10:00 A.M. Florence History Garden Dedication.
with Omaha Mayor Fahey, and Lyn Ziegenbine from the Kiewit Foundation
Location: Florence History Garden, 8515 North 30th Street (()).
(location of historic Territorial Legislature meetings)
(See photos of Florence History Garden) - June 27th (Monday) - 5:30 P.M. -or- June 28th (Tuesday) - 6:00 P.M. North Omaha Commercial Club Annual Picnic. (See mixed details)
-or -
Location: at North Omaha Airport (North 72nd and Highway 36) (()).
- June 29th (Wednesday), 7 P.M.: Florentine Library Advocacy Group.
Where: Florence Library, 30th & Bondesson (())
- June 1st - August 31st: - Connor Meigs Memorial Gallery Florence Mill
- July 2005 • Back
- None
- August 2005 • Back
- August 12-13th (Friday-Saturday): Florentine Players - 2005 August Murder Mystery.
Dress for the occasion! (Hint: The Audience is part of the melodrama).
Catering by: Attitude on Food
Ticket Prices: $15 (Reservations required).
Preview night on Thursday, August 11th. Show is only $10.
Information: 402-880-9402
Time: Doors open at 6:00 P.M.; show starts at 6:30 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- August 12-13th (Friday-Saturday): Florentine Players - 2005 August Murder Mystery.
- September 2005 • Back
- September 10th (Saturday): Florentine Players Garage Sale.
Accepting donations after July 1
Information: 402-880-9402
Time: 9-5 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- September 17th (Saturday): St. Phillip Neri Annual Parish Festival. Details
Time: Noon-11 P.M.
Location of event: 8200 N 30th St.
Cost: Free
Contact Phone: Rectory Office: 402-455-1289 Tim Kiuntke/Publicity Chair: 402-571-8600.
Located at 8200 North 30th Street (30th Mormon Street) (())
- September 10th (Saturday): Florentine Players Garage Sale.
- October 2005 • Back
- October 2nd (Friday-Saturday): Florenteenies - 2005 October Show.
Information: 402-880-9402
Time: Doors open at 2:00 P.M.; show starts at 3:00 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- October 21-22nd (Friday-Saturday): Florentine Players - 2005 October Murder Mystery (Florenceville Terror Murder Mystery).
Dress for the occasion! (Hint: The Audience is part of the melodrama).
Catering by: Attitude on Food
Dinner is: Lettuce Salad, Turkey, Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravey (Get it, Tee Hee) & Pumpkin Pie for Dessert!
Ticket Prices: $15 (Reservations required).
Information: 402-880-9402
Time: Doors open at 6:00 P.M.; show starts at 6:30 P.M.
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
- October 2nd (Friday-Saturday): Florenteenies - 2005 October Show.
- November 2005 • Back
- November 1st: Historic Florence Brainstorming Session to imagine its Future
At Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
7 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.
If you care about Historic Florence please come to a Brainstorming Session to imagine its Future. We want to build on Florence's foundations of History, Parks, & Trails, to create a Business Renaissance and expanded Tourism. Voice your ideas in a fun forum. Free. Refreshments will be served.
Sponsored by Jim Suttle,* Lowen Kruse,* Commissioner Clare DudaCommissioner Clare Duda, Florence Futures Foundation, Florence Historical Foundation, Florence Kiwanis Club, North Omaha Kiwanis Club, Florentine Players, North Omaha Commercial Club, and the Douglas County Historical Society.
Contact: Jim Suttle 402-444-5527
- November 1st: Historic Florence Brainstorming Session to imagine its Future
- December 2005 • Back
- December 3rd-December 24th: Mormon Trail Center Gingerbread House Display
3215 State Street, ()
Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 402-453-9372.
Gingerbread House Display is open to the public. See Mormon Trail Center page for more details. - December 4th (Sunday): Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony in Florence
Location: Mormon Park, 30th and State Street (())
- Lighting takes place on Sunday at 5:30 P.M.
- Coffee and Cocoa will be served.
- No reservation is required.
- The Bank of Florence will have open hours from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. CST
- Come get your picture taken with Santa. Then join us over at the park.
- Come get your picture taken with Santa. Then join us over at the park.
- December 10th: Christmas with Santa (Details)
Located at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
Open 9 A.M. to 11 A.M. 402-880-9402. - December 17th: Caroling Party (Details)
Starts at Florence City Hall, 2864 State Street ()
From 5:30 P.M. to 11 P.M. 402-880-9402.
We visit shut-ins to sing. See Details for full itinerary
- December 3rd-December 24th: Mormon Trail Center Gingerbread House Display
We rest and prepare for another year from January to early May, although there will be Florentine Players performances starting in January or February, and the Douglas County Historical Society has some events near Florence that are listed as well. Check our Events page for details and final dates as we learn about them.