2025 January Trivia and History
Name History:
Latin: Januarius. Named after the god Janus.
Janus - From Roman god of gates, doorways, beginnings, and endings.
January was added to the calendar in the 8th century B.C. by the Roman King Numa Pompilius, who established the basic Roman calendar. Previously, the calendar had only ten months, March through December. December roughly translates from Latin as "tenth." The winter months were not counted as the calendar was mostly used for planting cycles. Numa considered the year to have 355 days. Two extra months were added at the end, with February being the shortest month. Several leap days were added to adjust for planting cycles. Later on, Julius Caesar added ten more days making the calendar have 365 days for most years; much closer, but still not exact. It would take more than 1500 years before a much better refinement was made.
January is:
Special 2025 January Days:
- 0th* • (Tuesday)
- (Observed on 3rd Monday) NNN - HHH*
- (some states vary) NNN - Some states celebrate on different days. AL, MS celebrate on or around the 19, FL celebrates on Lee's birthday (19th), TX celebrates Confederate Heroes Day instead on the 19th, and VA celebrates Lee-Jackson Day (Friday before Martin Luther King Day, this year on the 17th), AR celebrated on same day as MLK from 1985-2016; starting in 2017, AR celebrates in October, and finally, GA celebrated in November (4th Friday) through 2016.*
- EEE NNN - Established by Congress in 1979 as the period for remembrance programs and ceremonies*
- EEE NNN - New Years Day is on a Wednesday (3) so no extra holiday on Monday or Friday.*
- EEE NNN - There are several days named similar to celebrate birds. There is Bird Day (April 13), International Migratory Bird Day (2nd Sat in May), World Migratory Bird Day(2nd Sat in May), Bird Day in the UK (?), and National Bird Day (Jan 5th) celebrated in the U.S. Whew! Everybody loves birds!*
- EEE NNN - United States Federal Holiday for federal employees who work in the District of Columbia, Arlington and Fairfax Counties in Virginia and the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church in Virginia, Montgomery and Prince George's Counties in Maryland.*
- Known as the "father of American music" - author of "Old Folks At Home" ("Swaunee River"). NNN - HHH*
- To combat human trafficking NNN - HHH*
- (Observed on 3rd Monday) NNN - HHH*
- 29th* • (Wednesday) Chinese New Year - (Snake)
January special historical dates:
- 2020 - 20th - First reported case in the U.S. of the COVID-19 virus.*
- 1975 - 10th - A blizzard covered the Midwest, including Omaha.
- 1948-9 - Nov-Apr - A blizzard covered the Midwest for several months.
- 1939 - 2nd - Birth of Kay A. Orr, 1st female governor of Nebraska (elected in the 1986 general election).
- 1888 - 12th - The Schoolchildren's Blizzard - covered Nebraska.
- 1880 - 27th - Thomas Edison patented the Light bulb.
- 1776 - 1st - George Washington unveils the first national flag, the Grand Union Flag.
Lyrics relating to January
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