"Florentine Players" Melodramas

In 2014, the Florentine Players stated they were celebrating their 50th Annual Melodrama (1964-2014) but that means they would have started in 1965.*

Here they are, at least the known ones. Can you supply the missing ones?

  1. 1964: “Where Is My Wandering Girl Tonight?” or “Who's Your Hero?”
  2. 1965: ???
  3. 1966: ???
  4. 1967: ???
  5. 1968: ???
  6. 1969: ???
  7. 1970: ???
  8. 1971: ???
  9. 1972: ???
  10. 1973: ???
  11. 1974: ???
  12. 1975: ???
  13. 1976: ???
  14. 1977: “The Bridge over the River Mo”
  15. 1978: ???
  16. 1979: ???
  17. 1980: “Shame on You, Simon Whiplash or The Day Florence Was Made”
  18. 1981: ???
  19. 1982: ???
  20. 1983: ???
  21. 1984: ???
  22. 1985: ???
  23. 1986: ???
  24. 1987: ???
  25. 1988: ???
  26. 1989: ???
  27. 1990: ???
  28. 1991: ???
  29. 1992: “Christopher Columbus Discovers Florence”
  30. 1993: ???
  31. 1994: ???
  32. 1995: ???
  33. 1996: ???
  34. 1997: ???
  35. 1998: ???
  36. 1999: ???
  37. 2000: ???
  38. 2001: ???
  39. 2002: ???
  40. 2003: “Big Feet in Florence” or “Git that foot outta your mouth.”
  41. 2004: “Happy Birthday Florence” or “Did We Really Last 150 Years?” or “Methane, Propane, It's All Natural Gas,”
  42. 2005: “Rock Bottom in Florence” or “The Days of Swine and Noses”
  43. 2006: “Is that the hat that robbed you?”
  44. 2007: “There's No Business Like ‘Snow Business” – or – “You Ain't Seen Nothing ‘Yetti”
  45. 2008: “Where Have All The Cowboys Gone” or “Florence, It's Raining Men”
  46. 2009: “Give 'Em The Ol' Razzle Dazzle”
  47. 2010: “In the Shadow of Betrayal”
  48. 2011: “Florence; Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better” or “The Buffalo Bill Cody Saloon Show Comes to Florence”
  49. 2012: “Only a Miner's Daughter” or “Curses! Shafted again!”
  50. 2013: “Hotels, Motels, Holiday-Inn” or “We Didn't Start The Fire”
  51. 2014: “Where Is My Wandering Girl Tonight?” or “Who's Your Hero?”*
  52. 2015: “No Name City” or “Florence, the finest seat in the county”
  53. 2016: “Chris Discovers Florence” or “The Days and Knights of Columbus”*
  54. 2017: If You're Happy and you know it, Say “Hooray!” or “The Untimely Sinking of the Bertrand”
  55. 2018: “Love Potion #9” or “All is Love in Fair and War”
  56. 2019: “Come on, Eileen” or “Charlie & The Barley Beer Factory”
  57. 2020: “I Saw Her Standing There” or “The Show Must Go On” (Canceled due to COVID-19)

The 2020 Melodrama was first delayed until August, but finally had to be canceled sadly. So the 57th Melodrama would be in 2021, except for 2021, the Florentine Players chose not to put on a melodrama, but put on a performance of Making God Laugh instead.

  1. 2021: “Making God Laugh”
  2. 2022: “I Saw Her Standing There” or “The Show Must Go On”
  3. 2023: Hotel Cali-Florence: A Woodstock-Themed Musical Melodrama
  4. 2024: The Great Kowalski Road Trip: All Roads Lead to Florence
  5. 2025: ???

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